The Douglas Cerebral Imaging Centre (CIC) is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to conducting preclinical and clinical brain imaging research in the field of mental health. It was conceived as an incubator for translational research, where animal imaging studies would serve to enrich the knowledge base derived from human studies and vice versa.
Mallar Chakravarty, PhD

Human 3T MRI Unit
The CIC is equipped with the 3T scanner Siemens Prisma_fit. Along with the high-performance gradients, 64 and 32-channel coils are available. Other devices available are:
- Inside-bore screen
- Projector
- 4-buttons response boxes
- Physiological measures by Biopac and Siemens
- Scanner trigger
- E-Prime for task-fmri
- Children-friendly set-up
Preclinical 7T MRI Unit
The CIC houses a 7T Bruker, Biospec 70/30 USR preclinical scanner equipped with a variety of coil sizes that can accommodate whole mouse and rat brains, besides human tissue samples. Also available:
- cryogenically-cooled surface coil (CryoProbe TM) that significantly reduces electronic noise and boosts SNR for mouse imaging.
- tools for monitoring and controlling animal physiology
- respiration pillow, pulse oximeter, thermometer and air heater, isoflurane vaporizer, automatic infusion pump, SA instruments signal breakout module
- Additional equipment can be custom 3D printer upon request.

The Douglas CIC Staff
- Dr. Mahsa Dadar, Researcher
- Dr. Yashar Zeighami, Researcher
- Dr. Gabriel A. Devenyi, Research Computing Associate
- Ms. Elena Drobotea, MRI Technologist, Human 3T MRI Unit
- Ms. Danaé Lussier-Dumouchel, Senior MRI Technologist, Human 3T MRI Unit
- Dr Jeremie Fouquet, Coordinator, Preclinical 7T MRI Unit
- Dr. Liana Guerra Sanches, MR Specialist, Human 3T MRI Unit
- Louis Théroux, Administrative agent
- Ms. Mila Urosevic, Preclinical 7T MRI Unit
Scan with us
Human 3T MRI
Research fee (public funds) | Industry fee (private funds) | |
Scanning with MRI Tech* | $550/h | $1100/h |
Development time (phantom) | $275/h | $275/h |
Consulting/ Training fees | $40/h** | $80/h |
* Human scanner must be operate by a MRI professional certificate by OTIMROEPMQ.
** In the case of researchers, a training fee will be charge only under special circunstances.
Preclinical 7T MRI
Research fee (public funds) | Industry fee (private funds) | |
Scanning with MRI Tech | $275/h (with cryoprobe) $220/h (without) |
$605/h (with cryoprobe) $550/h (without) |
Scanning without MRI Tech* | 25% rebate | 25% rebate |
Development time (phantom) | $100/h | $200/h |
Consulting/ Training fees | $40/h** | $80/h |
* Operators must be trained by CIC Coordinator of Preclinical 7T MRI Unit and pass the requirements.
** In the case of researchers, a training fee will be charge only under special circunstances.
Contact us
For complete booking information, please access http://ppms.us/dbic/